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Horoskoper og Astrologiprogrammer - AstroScan Hjemmeside

Horoskoper og Astrologiprogrammer - AstroScan Hjemmeside « intelligence

(Hits: 1087;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 8, 2015, intelligence)
AstroScan forhandler bl.a. de berømte horoskoptydninger af Liz Greene og astrologiprogrammet Regulus

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d60 - Smart Software Solutions

d60 - Smart Software Solutions « intelligence

(Hits: 614;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 30, 2014, intelligence)
optimér din forretning med tilpassede og skalerbare it-løsninger baseret pä kompetencer indenfor Business Intelligence og Software Development
Hans Peter Lybæk - 2013

Hans Peter Lybæk - 2013 « intelligence

(Hits: 455;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 12, 2014, intelligence)
www.hpl.dk - Personlig information om Hans Peter Lybæk

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Dynamics NAV-l248;sninger - v230;rdi gennem IT - Elbek Vejrup

Dynamics NAV-l248;sninger - v230;rdi gennem IT - Elbek Vejrup « intelligence

(Hits: 426;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 24, 2014, intelligence)
Vi er din professionelle IT-samarbejdspartner inden for Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Business Intelligence (BI), Microsoft SharePoint og Microsoft CRM.

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Kasseapparat – specielle kasseapparater og backoffice løsninger til detailhandel
Markedets mest brugervenlige kasseapparat, backoffice, Business Intelligence, specielt tilpasset mode både enkeltbutikker og kæder. Se demo af kasseapparat.

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2Bit. dk - databaseløsninger, datawarehouse, analyse, rapporter, office, Project, sharepoint
2Bit.dk laver databaseløsninger,Business Intelligence, datawarehouse, MS-project integration,

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Counting people | Dancount

Counting people | Dancount « intelligence

(Hits: 300;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 29, 2014, intelligence)
Dancount’s expertise has, for more than a decade, helped businesses all around the world track channel performance and refine their understanding of patterns in customer traffic. With Dancount’s solutions, you are back in control.

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BI software og værktøj -BI løsninger med Inspari til din virksomhed

BI software og værktøj -BI løsninger med Inspari til din virksomhed « intelligence

(Hits: 300;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 10, 2014, intelligence)
Inspari A/S er Danmarks mest fokuserede udbyder af Business Intelligence. BI kurser, Powerpivot med Excel og Qlickview - se det hele her.

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BI software og værktøj -BI løsninger med Inspari til din virksomhed

BI software og værktøj -BI løsninger med Inspari til din virksomhed « intelligence

(Hits: 296;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 10, 2014, intelligence)
Inspari A/S er Danmarks mest fokuserede udbyder af Business Intelligence. BI kurser, Powerpivot med Excel og Qlickview - se det hele her.

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Accurate IT

Accurate IT « intelligence

(Hits: 295;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 9, 2015, intelligence)
Accurate IT - High quality IT solutions delivered on time.

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BI - Business Intelligence l248;sninger | InfoSuite

BI - Business Intelligence l248;sninger | InfoSuite « intelligence

(Hits: 290;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 22, 2014, intelligence)
Med InfoSuite Business Intelligence - en unik og yderst brugervenlig BI-løsning, som indeholder Integreret budgettering samt løsninger skræddersyet til din branche.
Strategy and Technology Consulting Firm | Booz Allen Hamilton

Strategy and Technology Consulting Firm | Booz Allen Hamilton « intelligence

(Hits: 279;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 7, 2015, intelligence)
Booz Allen Hamilton is a leading provider of management and technology consulting services to the US government in defense, intelligence, and civil markets, and to major corporations, institutions, and not-for-profit organizations.

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Accurate IT

Accurate IT « intelligence

(Hits: 275;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 9, 2015, intelligence)
Accurate IT - High quality IT solutions delivered on time.

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Data and Intelligence for Global Commodity and Energy Markets | Genscape

Data and Intelligence for Global Commodity and Energy Markets | Genscape « intelligence

(Hits: 269;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 28, 2015, intelligence)
Genscape provides energy market data and intelligence across the oil, power, natural gas and LNG, agriculture, petrochemical and NGLs, maritime, and renewables markets

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Business Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics | Reporting for Microsoft Dynamics
Business Intelligence for Microsoft Dynamics | Reporting for Microsoft Dynamics
Marketing Automation solutions by combining customer data, business intelligence and strong content
Concent create and mature leads. We streamline marketing and sales through automated websolutions, to release ressource to be invested in creation of new value.

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Know IT House

Know IT House « intelligence

(Hits: 263;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 6, 2014, intelligence)
Viden skaber resultater. Know IT House A/S beskæftiger sig med rådgivning, implementering og integration af Business Intelligence og Data Warehouse løsninger. Vi hjælper virksomheder med intelligent udtræk, behandling og analyse af store mængder data

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Amplex › Utility Intelligence

Amplex › Utility Intelligence « intelligence

(Hits: 263;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 2, 2014, intelligence)
We’re Amplex, a world leader in Utility Intelligence™, the real-time monitoring and control of low-voltage power grids, streetlighting systems, power metering networks and water distribution services.

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Gekko Systems.

Gekko Systems. « intelligence

(Hits: 260;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 28, 2015, intelligence)
Gekko Systems is a communication enabler delivering full interconnectivity between network services platforms. Its aim is to facilitate service creation through innovative technology based on carrier-grade equipment, ergonomic and user friendly workin

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Jois ApS

Jois ApS « intelligence

(Hits: 256;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 24, 2015, intelligence)
Konsulenthus udvikler administrative webløsninger til fakulteter og institutter på danske universiteter

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