www.in7.dk > bioinformatik
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Fundne resultater: 3
Søren og Nina Rasmussen

Søren og Nina Rasmussen « bioinformatik

(Hits: 273;hjemmeside tilføjet: Apr 12, 2014, bioinformatik)
Privat hjemmeside for Nina og Søren Rasmussen.

bækhøjgruppen arbejdsformidling wilken flintinge flintinge bioinformatik havearkitekt software seqtools

NEuroTech « bioinformatik

(Hits: 232;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 17, 2015, bioinformatik)
Data Mining Company with more than 7 years experience in Data Analysis Solutions in Biotechnology, Microarray Analysis, Analysis of genomewide linkage data, Analysis of SNP data. Scientific consulting. Bioinformatics consulting.

machine learning consulting consultancy data analysis biotechnology konsulentvirksomhed bioinformatik bioteknologi bioinformatics biostastistics
Jes Frellsen

Jes Frellsen « bioinformatik

(Hits: 202;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 20, 2015, bioinformatik)
Homepage of Jes Frellsen, postdoc at Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

frellsen bioinformatics machine learning computer science university of copenhagen university of cambridge bioinformatik matematik